What is the Workshop for Social Research?

We create spaces for learning and exchange on the basis of political education.

Our history

We are a team of several people with multicultural and interdisciplinary backgrounds.
In 2020, we decided to found this association with the idea of providing and promoting political education to groups of migrants and people who want to learn about the world we live in.

Our goal

We promote the creation of learning and exchange spaces on socially, politically and culturally relevant topics and make them accessible to all interested parties without prejudice.

Our current projects

Civic education, when understood as a tool for developing critical, democratic and responsible thinking among citizens, is for us essential for the development of a resilient and sustainable society.

At a historical moment in which we are witnessing a rise in far-right politics and ideologies, we are developing workshops and cycles in which we address this political thinking and the various methods of combating it.

From a transnational perspective, we examine the various ways in which Europe deals with a past that affects us in many different ways. However, it must be dealt with critically and always with a view to the future.

Who finances us?

We would like to thank the various institutions that have supported us financially in the implementation of various projects.